In March 2015, as California's Attorney General, Kamala Harris took a firm stance on fracking. She found a petition calling for an immediate statewide moratorium on fracking and well stimulation to be "factually inaccurate, legally flawed, and therefore denied." Harris supported California’s regulations for allowing well-stimulation operations, describing them as "rooted in science and sound public policy." This stance starkly contrasts with her later position as a 2019 presidential candidate, where she pledged to ban fracking.
As Attorney General, Harris's decision to deny the petition for a fracking moratorium was based on her assessment of California's existing regulatory framework. She asserted that the state's regulations were scientifically sound and balanced public policy considerations. This directive underscored her belief in a regulated approach to energy extraction, reflecting a pragmatic perspective that considered economic and energy needs alongside environmental concerns.
When Harris entered the 2019 presidential race, things changed. During a CNN town hall, she stated her opposition to hydraulic fracturing and expressed support for a complete ban. This position aligned her with the extreme progressive wing of the Democratic Party, appealing to voters who are vehemently opposed to fossil fuels.
During her brief primary run, Harris told a CNN town hall she opposed hydraulic fracturing, which involves pumping water, sand and chemicals underground to free oil and gas from dense rock formations, and has drawn vehement opposition from some green groups and progressive voters.
“There’s no question I’m in favor of banning fracking,” Harris said at the 2019 candidate climate forum. As California’s attorney general, Harris also sued the Obama administration over the approvals of fracking off California’s coast. After being selected as Biden’s running mate, Harris moderated her views, with the campaign emphasizing new restrictions and regulations for the technique instead.
The shift in Harris's position on fracking has not gone unnoticed by her political opponents. Former President Donald Trump and the GOP have seized on her current opposition to fracking as a vulnerability, particularly in states like Pennsylvania, where energy production is a significant economic driver.
The National Republican Senatorial Committee is encouraging candidates to use her opposition to fracking as an example of her “extreme agenda,” according to a memo circulated a day after President Joe Biden announced he would not be seeking reelection and would be backing Harris instead.
In tweets and campaign memos, Republicans are resurfacing Harris’ previous anti-fracking stance to paint her as out of touch with voters in politically important states such as Pennsylvania. “Kamala Harris is even more extreme than Joe Biden - She wants to ban fracking and kill countless jobs in states like PA for American workers,” Donald Trump Jr. posted on X.
A new ad by Dave McCormick, who is running to unseat Pennsylvania Democrat Bob Casey did just that, highlighting a clip of Harris’ remarks in support of banning fracking along with support of the Green New Deal and other policies.
At the same time, Harris’ previous climate positions could help galvanize the Democratic party, driving turnout among younger progressive voters, said Mike Mikus, a Democratic political consultant.
Still, Harris’ previous climate positions may not be “ideal proxies for her future choices,” ClearView Energy Partners, a Washington-based consulting firm, wrote in a note to clients. “We still do not expect Harris to propose significant changes to Biden’s energy agenda between now and the election,” the firm wrote. While the Trump campaign “seems likely to revisit Harris’ anti-fracking past, we think she has strong incentives to project a more balanced stance.”
A Harris spokesperson didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment, but her campaign released a statement Wednesday highlighting Trump’s entreaties for $1 billion in donations from the oil industry.
“Under the Biden-Harris administration, America is more energy independent than ever,” said Harris for President spokesperson Joseph Costello. “Trump promises to dismantle all this progress and sell out America’s future for his own personal gain.”
For more information, contact Rock Zierman or Hector Barajas.