California's oil dependency on Iraq raises grave ethical concerns, especially in light of Iraq’s recent proposal to drastically lower the legal age of consent for girls from 18 to nine years old, allowing men to marry young girls.
California imports a substantial portion of its oil from Iraq. This dependence extends beyond economic transactions, indirectly aligning the state with policies contradicting California’s commitment to women’s rights. If passed, Iraq’s proposed law would legalize child marriage and strip women of fundamental rights to divorce, custody, and inheritance, marking a significant regression in gender equality. Given California's silence on this issue, the question arises: Does our state truly value women’s rights, or are economic interests taking precedence?
The Telegraph notes that Iraq’s push to lower the marriage age and remove protections for women is being driven by an extremist Shia coalition, which has the legislative momentum to alter the country’s personal status law.
California’s leadership on progressive values is at odds with its current silence on this issue.