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CIPA Joins Advisory Group for Methane Emissions Reduction Program

CIPA is pleased to announce we will be participating in GTI Energy's proposal submissions to the Department of Energy's Methane Emissions Reduction Program (MERP) funding opportunity (DE-FOA-0003256). GTI Energy has submitted proposals for Areas of Interests 1a) Methane Emissions Reduction Implementation Taskforce (MERIT) and 1b) Well Emissions and Leakage Limitation Check (WELL check).

The goal of MERIT is to reduce methane emissions at Marginal Conventional Wells (MCWs) owned/operated by small operators. The goal of WELL Check is to reduce methane emissions at wells producing 15 to 40 barrels of oil per day (BOED) in the U.S and associated infrastructure owned/operated by small operators. The benefits to CIPA members include potential funding and incentives for leak detection equipment and workforce training and development.

CIPA Board Member Chris Hall (Drilling & Production Co.) will be the primary point of contact for CIPA on GTI’s Program Advisory Council, focusing on the following elements of the program:

  • Outreach to small operators with meaningful information on methane mitigation requirements and best practices.

  • Identifying regional differences unique to various producing regions of the country.

  • Providing information on and access to tools to help in methane reduction efforts. This technology transfer aspect of the program is critical to its success.

  • Identification and feedback to DOE and GTI on issues with which producers are confronted that might not have been previously identified.

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