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CARB Methane Rulemaking Begins This Week

CARB has officially kicked off another round of rulemaking for the COGR (Oil/Gas Methane Rule). A workshop is scheduled for this Thursday, August 15th at 1:00 p.m. Pacific. Slides are not yet posted, but are expected to be uploaded here prior to the event. Registration is required to attend this virtual meeting. 

These new amendments will focus on aspects of the rule that need to be updated to be consistent with the US EPA’s recently revised emission guidelines, part OOOc. The revised rule must be completed by middle of next year. 

CARB may or may not need to conduct an economic analysis known as a SRAI (Standardized Regulatory Impact Assessment), as they cannot determine the cost of the rule without talking to industry to gage what may happen upon implementation. Therefore this workshop and the comment period that follows (Deadline: September 13th) is important for CIPA to convey the potential costs of this proposal. The following three topics are expected to be the dominant issues that

CARB wants to address: 

  1. Open Well Casing Vents

  2. Natural Gas Pneumatics

  3. Heavy Oil Exemption

CIPA will be attending the event and providing initial comments and encourages individual members to participate or at least listen in directly.  After the workshop it is expected that CIPA will meet with CARB staff on this issue.


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