The California Geological Energy Management Division (CalGEM) has rolled out a new GIS layer in its WellSTAR interface. The program enhancement will allow users to identify all “Health Protection Zones” in California.
Health Protection Zones (HPZ) were created by Senate Bill 1137 (Gonzalez, D-Long Beach), which was sponsored by Governor Newsom at the end of the 2022 legislative session. The governor and legislature rammed the bill through both houses of the legislature in only 5 days before the end of session. The bill only had one policy hearing, which was in the Assembly Natural Resources Committee.
Without any scientific data to support the distance, SB 1137 enacted a 3,200-foot setback from oil wells in California from “sensitive receptors.” Oversimplified, a sensitive receptor is any dwelling or location where people live or congregate. No oil wells can receive a Notice of Intent to Drill (NOI) within an HPZ.
While this GIS layer is very helpful, it should not exist at all, since there is no evidence that oil production wells are causing air pollution or exacerbating dangerous greenhouse gas emissions within 3,200-feet of a wellhead.
For more information, contact Sean Wallentine.